Wow! This is unbelievable. I was working at the Brooklyn HQ during this time. I remember when Wischuck went through a phase where he seemed drained of energy. I think I just found out why. If I only knew what was going on behind the scenes. Of course I had no clue.
The real eye opener here for me is that Franz got help from an unknown Jewish non-witness man. What the.....? I think there is a great chance that this mystery Jewish guy provided Franz with a lot of ideas for the doctrines of this religion. I highly doubt that this was a one time visitation. I'm willing to bet that this "consultation" was going on for a long time. This may explain why this is an extremely works-based religion (just like Judaism) which bases a lot of it's doctrines on the old testament. This could also explain why there is not much emphasis on Jesus within it's teachings for being a "Christian" religion. Franz came up with the backbone of this type of ideology.
I always thought that there was some external authority beyond the GB that was controlling this organization. It always seemed fishy to me. I think this also adds weight to the info posted on this board that the WTS was originally financed by Bnai Brith and the Rothschilds using Russell as the front man. There seems to be a link here.
This is by far the best post I've ever read. Thanks Barbara!